Be who you are

In this big world, we try to make a small place for us. We try to fit in. But it’s really not easy to fit in. You see? So to fit in, we all try to be someone who is good enough or who is perfect.

We just change ourselves. We get so busy and we lose ourselves. We lose who we used to be. And by the time we realise this, it’s too late.

It’s like seeing a plant grow. You know it’s growing and one day it just becomes a tree. Hard and tough. We are the tree here. There was a time when we used to be like a plant, that is soft but as time flew, we became like a tree.

There was a time when we had a golden heart. But now, we have to just “pretend”. Pretend to be someone we are not. And by pretending we actually forget how we used to be.

So just to “fit in” we give our lives. We become someone we are not. And trust me, it’s not worth it.

You  are your own hero. And no one wants their heroes to be fake. Stay true to yourself. Just be who you are. Because no one can be you. And that is your power.

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